Chair of Computer Architecture

University Freiburg

The SAT Museum

This is the landing place for our efforts to establish a SAT museum.

Click on the picture below to obtain a scalable and more beautiful PDF.

It shows the run-time of all SAT competition winners on the 400 benchmarks from 2022.

SAT Museum 2022 Plot

[ satmuseum2002 | satmuseum2011 | satmuseum2019 | satmuseum2020 | satmuseum2021 | satmuseum2022 ]

Experimental Javascript CDF

Chart created by Michael Selinger (2024)


The SAT Museum.
Armin Biere and Mathias Fleury and Nils Froleyks and Marijn J.H. Heule.
In Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on Pragmatics of SAT (POS'23),
editors Matti Järvisalo and Daniel Le Berre, vol. 3545, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, pages 72-87, 2023.
[ paper | bibtex | zenodo | ceur | workshop | proceedings ]


30 Years of Faster and Faster SAT Solving
25th Intl. Conf. on Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning (LPAR'24)
Mauritius, May 27, 2024
[ 30 Years of Faster and Faster SAT Solving | SAT Museum ]

The Art of Igniting the SAT Revolution
Shonan Seminar The Art of SAT
Shonan Village Center, Japan, October 2, 2023
[ slides | program ]

The SAT Museum
14th International Workshop on Pragmatics of SAT (POS'23)
Alghero, Italy, July 4, 2023
[ slides ]


Currently we only provide access to the artifact (except benchmarks) of our POS’23 paper here.

satmuseum-pos23.tar.xz (318MB, unpacked 4.2 GB)