Chair of Computer Architecture

University Freiburg

SAT Competition 2024 Medals

The main track of the SAT Competition 2024, affiliated to SAT’24 in Pune India, was dominated by our new version of Kissat.

It won three first places, i.e., three gold medals, in all categories of the main track, i.e., SAT, UNSAT, SAT+UNSAT.

Here is a copy of the results of the main track on all instances from the presentation of the competition result at SAT’24:

The runner-ups are far behind even being descendants of earlier versions of our SAT solver Kissat.

If you want to know more about the new features which lead to these wins check out:

Armin Biere, Tobias Faller, Katalin Fazekas, Mathias Fleury, Nils Froleyks and Florian Pollitt
CaDiCaL, Gimsatul, IsaSAT and Kissat Entering the SAT Competition 2024
Proc. SAT Competition 2024: Solver, Benchmark and Proof Checker Descriptions
Marijn Heule, Markus Iser, Matti Järvisalo, Martin Suda (editors)
Department of Computer Science Report Series B
vol. B-2024-1, pages 8-10, University of Helsinki 2024
[ paper | bibtex | cadical | isasat | kissat | gimsatul ]