Chair of Computer Architecture

University Freiburg


The project is composed of three parts with a different deadline:

You must do all four parts to pass the course!


What? When?
Repo creation Friday 19th of July (12:00)
Artifact Friday 26th of July (12:00)
Report Friday 2nd of August (23:59)
Reviews Friday 2nd of August (23:59)

Hint: the “repo creation” is only there so that I have more time to assign reviewers as I will at a conference the week after.


We are completely opened on what you write about. The only constraint is that you should go in depth on two themes from the lecture.

Some ideas:

  1. Develop a plugin for one of the text editors we discussed.
  2. Evaluate several plugins based on your specific use case and explain their differences and inner workings.
  3. Replicate a favorite book’s style in LaTeX.
  4. Automate analysis using Bash or Python.
  5. Implement automated testing for your side project, configure Git with hooks, and compare it to Jenkins.
  6. Conduct extensive LLM testing to assess differences.
  7. Create complex yet readable plots with gnuplot/jupyter. Make sure to include some of things you tried in the report.

Generally, just using the default option of a tool is not sufficient to claim having used a tool!

To Submit

As an example, we have written an example project.

Repo creation

This part is simply accepting the assignement from the Github classroom (link will be on the Ilias forum). This is useful for us to decide how many people submit (and for me to assign reviewers as I am at a conference with a bit more time).

We will not look at the current status of the repo before the artifact deadline.


The report should be:

We do not want to see a report written by your favorite LLM that you did not bother reading. LLMs tends to write very general sentence with extremely little information and with no relevance to your report.


As part of the report you will produce code / bash scripts. You should produce an artifact with a proper README that runs under the following VM

If you need extra proprietary software or Windows-specific software (Mathematica / Maple / …), please tell us early.

The artifact should include:

Unlike the instructions on, you are allowed to use apt-get, but you should assume that you start with an empty virtual machine.


You will be assigned two artifacts by someone else. We will assign them on the 16th or 17th. You should write a small review including:

Some more information:

We expect around half a page of review. However, you are not expected to debug or guess what the artifact is about.

You do not have to use the virtual machine… but if there are any problems, you need to check the virtual machine.
